The Importance of Search to A Marketer
As search engines, have become essential to a web user’s
Internet experience,
so, search has become essential to a marketer. Search is
important for a
number of reasons:
1. Search is goal oriented: people use search to find the
things they
want and need.
The Internet is a highly competitive environment, with
literally billions of
pages in existence. So how does anyone find the page
they’re after? Web users
find what they need primarily via search. Search drives
targeted traffic (and
therefore sales) to websites. A web search is a signal of intent from a web
2. Search engines are the doorway to the Internet.
According to comScore, 95% of the global Internet
population visited a search
engine in August 2007.
3. The search industry is BIG.
The daily search volume numbers are in the hundred
millions. Research figures
indicate that more than 131 billion searches were
conducted in December
2009. That’s four billion searches per day, 175 million
per hour, and 2.9 million
per minute (comScore 2010).
4. To be found you must be visible.
If you want your website to generate a significant amount
of traffic, it needs to
be listed on the major search engines and listed high up
enough to be seen.
Statistics show that users are not likely to view
listings beyond the first 30
results, with the top six (above the fold) listings
enjoying the lion’s share of
clicks (Eyetools).
5. Top of search equates to top of mind awareness.
Beyond traffic, a high ranking website is valuable for
brand perception. Web
users often perceive search engine results as an
indication of authority. Search
visibility promotes brand recognition and research has
shown that search
engine listings can stimulate brand recall by 220%
(Enquiro, 2007).
6. People trust organic search.
Research has shown that over 71% of people have more
trust in organic results
than paid search results (Prussakov, 2008).
7. Catch potential customers at every phase of the buying
Most purchases are subject to a buying cycle. At
different points in that cycle,
prospects are searching with different key phrases. Give
them what they want
at each phase, and they will keep coming back till
they’re ready to buy. And
they’ll be ready to buy more quickly, because information
is the best way to
shorten the buying cycle.
8. Many people have a search engine as their browser home
Often, the home page of a browser is set to a search
engine. Many users
enter URLs into the search engine instead of the address
bar of the browser –
meaning that even if they know the URL of a website, they
are finding it throughsearch.
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